Good afternoon
I need a bit of help with an expect script. I have written a script that gets a list of files on an FTP server, it then downloads them. The actual FTP is controlled using an expect script ( shown below )
!/usr/bin/expect -f
set env(TERM) vt100
spawn /usr/bin/sftp -b {path to FTP batch file} username@ftpserver
expect -exact "username@ftpserver's password: "
sleep 20
send -- "\*******\r"
expect eof
The batch file contains a list of files to download.
The batch file looks like this:
cd /{file path}
get file1
get file2
get file3
cd /{path to remote subdirectory}
lcd /{path to local subdirectory}
get file4
The script works as I want when run from the command prompt, but as a cron job it's a different story. When I added this set env(TERM) vt100 it ran as cron job but would only download one file, if there was more than one file it didn't download them.
Any ideas?
I need a bit of help with an expect script. I have written a script that gets a list of files on an FTP server, it then downloads them. The actual FTP is controlled using an expect script ( shown below )
!/usr/bin/expect -f
set env(TERM) vt100
spawn /usr/bin/sftp -b {path to FTP batch file} username@ftpserver
expect -exact "username@ftpserver's password: "
sleep 20
send -- "\*******\r"
expect eof
The batch file contains a list of files to download.
The batch file looks like this:
cd /{file path}
get file1
get file2
get file3
cd /{path to remote subdirectory}
lcd /{path to local subdirectory}
get file4
The script works as I want when run from the command prompt, but as a cron job it's a different story. When I added this set env(TERM) vt100 it ran as cron job but would only download one file, if there was more than one file it didn't download them.
Any ideas?