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Expandable forms using DIV and SPAN tags???

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Jan 7, 2003
I need to build a user form which allows the input of certain figures. The form will be split into 3 sections, and I want each section to be accessible by clicking on the headings and the input places then appear below. I want to use tables to line everything up.

Below is what I want it to look like.

Sales [then a drop-down select menu here, and then 2 other text input fields on the same row]
Revenue [then a drop-down select menu here, and then 2 other text input fields on the same row]
[+]Headquarter details

Someone produced the following example for me using SPAN and DIV tags:


SPAN {font-size: 18pt; cursor: hand}
.on {display: on}

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=&quot;JavaScript&quot;>
// Set bSupportsDHTML to true for Internet Explorer 4 or later.
var bDoesDHTML = ( (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(&quot;MSIE&quot;) >= 0) &&
(navigator.appVersion.substring(0,1) >= 4) )

// Only hide menu items if browser supports DHTML.

function doSect(secNum){
if (bDoesDHTML){
//display the section if hidden; hide it if it is displayed
if (secNum.className==&quot;off&quot;){secNum.className=&quot;on&quot;}

<SPAN onclick=&quot;doSect(Test)&quot;><B>Main Chapter</B></SPAN><BR>
<DIV CLASS=&quot;off&quot; ID=&quot;Test&quot;>
<A HREF=&quot;some.htm&quot;>Chapter 1</A><BR>
<A HREF=&quot;some.htm&quot;>Chapter 2</A><BR>
<A HREF=&quot;some.htm&quot;>Chapter 3</A><BR>
<A HREF=&quot;some.htm&quot;>Chapter 4</A><BR>


This works and I tried to implement it into a small example of mine below, without success!!

<title>Example Menu</title>
<meta http-equiv=&quot;Content-Type&quot; content=&quot;text/html; charset=iso-8859-1&quot;>

<FORM ACTION=&quot;page2d.asp&quot; METHOD=&quot;post&quot; NAME=&quot;main1&quot;>
<table width=&quot;100%&quot; border=&quot;0&quot;>
<td width=&quot;8%&quot; height=&quot;54&quot; colspan=&quot;6&quot;>
<SPAN onclick=&quot;doSect(Test)&quot;><b> Main Menu </b></SPAN>
<td width=&quot;8%&quot; height=&quot;54&quot;> <DIV CLASS=&quot;off&quot; ID=&quot;Test&quot;>
<font face=&quot;Times New Roman, Times, serif&quot; size=&quot;2&quot;><b> Market Size </b></font><BR>
<td width=&quot;12%&quot;>
<font face=&quot;Times New Roman, Times, serif&quot; size=&quot;2&quot;><b>
<select name=&quot;mkt_cap&quot; onChange=&quot;check2(this.form.mkt_cap, this.form.mkt_min, this.form.mkt_max)&quot;>
<option value=&quot;A&quot;>Any</option>
<option value=&quot;1&quot;>£0-500m</option>
<option value=&quot;2&quot;>£500m-£1bn</option>
<option value=&quot;3&quot;>£1bn+</option>
<td width=&quot;4%&quot;><b><font face=&quot;Times New Roman, Times, serif&quot; size=&quot;2&quot;>OR</font></b></td>
<td width=&quot;22%&quot;> <font face=&quot;Times New Roman, Times, serif&quot; size=&quot;2&quot;><b>Min:
<input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;mkt_min&quot; maxlength=&quot;6&quot; size=&quot;15&quot; onChange=&quot;checkdata(this.form.mkt_cap, this.form.mkt_min)&quot;>
million </b></font></td>
<td width=&quot;22%&quot;> <font face=&quot;Times New Roman, Times, serif&quot; size=&quot;2&quot;><b>Max:
<input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;mkt_max&quot; maxlength=&quot;6&quot; size=&quot;15&quot; onChange=&quot;checkdata(this.form.mkt_cap, this.form.mkt_max)&quot;>
million </b></font></td>

The closing div tag doesn't seem to work. Have I just placed the Div tags in the wrong positions???

Cheers for any help at all.
Just after I've opened the td, on this line:

<td width=&quot;8%&quot; height=&quot;54&quot;> <DIV CLASS=&quot;off&quot; ID=&quot;Test&quot;>

I've also tried opening and closing before the <td>, and even before the <tr>, but neither work.
It looks like a nesting problem to me.
If you want to have the DIV include an entire row of TDs, open the DIV immediately after the TR tag. Do not put it in one of the TDs.
i.e. Try
         <DIV CLASS=&quot;off&quot; ID=&quot;Test&quot;>
         <td> . . .</td>
         <td> . . .</td>
         <td> . . .</td>

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Part and Inventory Search

