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EXMERGE.EXE is missing the .INI file 1

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Sep 22, 2002
My version of exmerge.exe from the Back Office Resource Kit is missing the associated exmerge.ini file. Does anyone know where I need to go to find the syntax for this file so that I can build one manually? Or, in lieu of that, where I can find a replacement .ini file?

Here's my EXMERGE.INI files

; ==============================================================================
; This file is for use with the EXMERGE.EXE program, version 3.71 or higher.
; This file should be present in the same directory as the executable, or
; use the -F command line option to specify the location of the INI file.
; ==============================================================================


; MergeAction
; This setting controls which merge procedure to use:
; Possible values:
; 0 - Extract ( Merge data to Personal Folders)
; 1 - Import ( Merge data from Personal Folders)
; 2 - Extract&Import ( Export from one server and Import into another server)
; Default Value: 0
MergeAction = 0

; SourceServerName
; Name of the source Exchange server, from which data will be extracted.
; This setting must be specified if the MergeAction specified is Extract or Extract&Import
SourceServerName = SERVER_NAME

; DestServerName
; Name of the destination Exchange server, to which data will be written.
; This setting must be specified if the MergeAction specified is Import or Extract&Import
DestServerName =

; DataDirectoryName
; Name of the directory to which .PST files will be written or where .PST files will be expected.
; If the directory does not exist, it will be created.
; Default Value: C:\EXMERGEDATA
DataDirectoryName = E:\EXMERGEDATA

; LogFileName
; Name of the log file to be used
; Default Value: C:\ExMerge.log
LogFileName = E:\EXMERGEDATA\ExMerge.log

; LoggingLevel
; Set the level of logging:
; Possible Values:
; 0 - None
; 1 - Minimum
; 2 - Medium
; 3 - Maximum
; Default Value is 0
LoggingLevel = 0

; SelectMessageStartDate
; The starting date after which messages should be selected
; Format: MM/DD/YY hh:mm:ss
; where:
; MM - Month
; DD - Day
; YY - Year
; hh - Hour (0-23)
; mm - Minute
; ss - Second
; Default Value: Blank
; If SelectMessageStartDate or SelectMessageEndDate is invalid, all messages will be selected
; SelectMessageStartDate = 12/31/97 00:00:00

SelectMessageStartDate =

; SelectMessageEndDate
; The ending date before which messages should be selected
; Format: MM/DD/YY hh:mm:ss
; where:
; MM - Month
; DD - Day
; YY - Year
; hh - Hour (0-23)
; mm - Minute
; ss - Second
; Default Value: Blank
; If SelectMessageStartDate or SelectMessageEndDate is invalid, all messages will be selected
; SelectMessageEndDate = 12/31/99 23:59:59

SelectMessageEndDate =

; FileContainingListOfMessageSubjects
; This setting points to a text file containing all the subjects that you wish the program to
; search for.
; The file should contain one subject per line.
; Blank lines are ignored.
; Lines beginning with a ##~ are ignored as comments
; If you wish to specify a blank subject line, enter ~<BLANK SUBJECT LINE>
; You can specify multiple subjects. The program will then check for messages any one of the
; specified subject lines.
FileContainingListOfMessageSubjects =

; SubjectStringMatchCriteria
; This setting controls how the program will match subject name strings when creating restrictions.
; Possible Values:
; 0 - Substring match, ignore case
; 1 - Fullstring match, ignore case
; 2 - Exact String match
; Default Value: 0

SubjectStringMatchCriteria =

; FileContainingListOfAttachmentNames
; This setting points to a text file containing all the attachment names that you wish the
; program to search for. The file should contain one attachment name per line.
; Blank lines are ignored.
; Lines beginning with a ##~ are ignored as comments
; Blank attachment names are not supported.
; You can specify multiple attachment names. The program will then check for messages any
; one of the specified attachments.
FileContainingListOfAttachmentNames =

; AttachmentNameStringMatchCriteria
; This setting controls how the program will match attachment name strings when creating restrictions.
; Possible Values:
; 0 - Substring match, ignore case
; 1 - Fullstring match, ignore case
; 2 - Exact String match
; Default Value: 1

AttachmentNameStringMatchCriteria =

; FoldersProcessed
; This setting causes the program to ignore certain folders, or only process certain folders,
; or process all folders.
; The actual list of folders should be specified using the ListOfFolders setting or the
; FileContainingListOfFolders setting.
; Possible Values:
; 0 - Ignore specified folders
; 1 - Process only specified folders
; 2 - Process all folders
; Default Value: 2

FoldersProcessed = 2

; ListOfFolders
; List of folders to be processed.
; Depending on the value of the FolderActions setting this list will contain the names of
; folders to be ignored, or those folders that should be processed.
; This list should contain the complete path of the folders, separated by semi-colons (;)
; If you have folder names containing semi-colons, then do not use this setting.
; Use the FileContainingListOfFolders setting, instead.
; Default Value: Blank
; e.g:
; ListOfFolders = Deleted Items;Sent Items;Inbox\Junk Mail
ListOfFolders =

; FileContainingListOfFolders
; Name of a file that contains the names of folders.
; Depending on the value of the FolderActions setting these names will be the names of
; folders to be ignored, or those folders that should be processed.
; Each folder name should contain the complete path of the folder.
; The file should contain one folder name per line.
; Blank lines are ignored.
; Lines beginning with a ##~ are ignored as comments
; Default Value: Blank
FileContainingListOfFolders =

; ApplyActionToSubFolders
; This setting is only applicable if the value of the FoldersProcessed setting is 0 or 1.
; In other words, you wish to ignore certain folders or only process certain folders.
; This setting controls whether or not the action specified in the FoldersProcessed settings,
; will be applied to sub folders of the folders specified
; using the ListOfFolders or FileContainingListOfFolders settings.
; Hence if you are ignoring certain folders, setting this option to 1, will cause
; sub folders of the selected folders to be ignored.
; Otherwise, sub folders will be processed.
; If you are processing only certain folders, setting this option to 1, will cause the
; sub folders of the selected folders to be also processed.
; Otherwise, sub folders will not be processed.
; Possible Values:
; 0 - Do Not apply action to sub folders
; 1 - Apply action to sub folders
; Default Value: 0
ApplyActionToSubFolders = 0

; DelimiterUsedInMailboxFile
; This setting specifies which delimiter should be used to distinguish between the source
; and target DNs in the file specified in the FileContainingListOfMailboxes setting.
; Possible Values:
; 0 - Comma
; 1 - Tab
; 2 - Semi Colon
; 3 - Colon
; 4 - Space
; Default Value: 0
DelimiterUsedInMailboxFile = 0

; FileContainingListOfMailboxes
; Name of a text file containing the Exchange Distinguished Names (DN) of mailboxes to be
; worked on. Each line of the file should have the following format:
; <SourceDN> [<DelimiterUsedInMailboxFile> <TargetDN>]
; The TargetDN is optional. If it is specified, depending on what the selected merge action
; is, it will be used to get the name of the PST file to be generated, or the name of the
; mailbox into which data will be merged.
; By default, a comma is used as the delimiter between the source and target DNs. You
; can specify another delimiter, using the DelimiterUsedInMailboxFile setting.
; Blank lines are ignored.
; Lines beginning with a ##~ are ignored as comments
; If this setting is not specified, all mailboxes, except those for services (DS, IMS etc)
; on the specified server will be processed.
; Default Value: Blank
FileContainingListOfMailboxes =

; DateAttribute
; This setting specifies which date attribute the program should use when extracting items
; by date.
; This setting is valid only if valid dates/times have been specified in the
; SelectMessageStartDate and SelectMessageEndDate settings.
; Possible values:
; Default value: 0
DateAttribute = 0

; DataImportMethod
; This setting controls how the data will be copied from the source store to the target store.
; Possible values
; 0 - Copy all messages from the source store to the target store
; 1 - Merge messages into the target store. (Copy only those messages that do not exist in the target store.
; 2 - Replace existing messages in the target store. (If a message in the source store exists in the target store,
; delete that message in the target store and then copy the message from the target store.
; 3 - Archive existing messages from the source store into the target store. If this option is selected, the program
; will copy data from the source store to the target store and then delete the data from the source store.
; This option is only valid if the MergeAction is Extract.
; Default Value: 1

DataImportMethod = 1

; ReplaceDataOnlyIfSourceItemIsMoreRecent
; This setting, if set, will cause the program to replace items in the target store, only
; if the item in the source store is more recent than the item in the target store.
; This setting is applicable only if the DataImportMethod setting is set to 3 (Replace Data).
; To determine whether the item in the source store is more recent that the target store, the
; program will check the PR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME message attribute.
; If an item does not exist in the target store, it will be copied to the target store regardless
; of the value of this setting.
; Possible values:
; 0 - Replace all data in the target store
; 1 - Replace only items in the target store, if the source store has a more recent version.
; Default value: 1
ReplaceDataOnlyIfSourceItemIsMoreRecent = 1

; CopyUserData
; This setting controls whether or not the program will copy user data (messages, folders,
; calendar, contacts etc.) Even if this setting is selected, the program will not copy
; Schedule+ data. It is recommended that this setting should normally be selected or else
; the program will not copy any folders and messages to the target store.
; Possible Values:
; 0 - Do NOT copy User Data (messages, folders, calendar, contacts etc.)
; 1 - Copy User Data
; Default Value: 1
CopyUserData = 1

; This setting controls whether the program will copy associated folder messages.
; Associated messages are not visible in an Exchange client or Outlook, and are used by the client
; to save different settings.
; If you are running Exchange Server 5.0 or later, select this setting to have the program copy
; folder rules and views.
; Possible Values:
; 0 - Do not copy associated data for each folder
; 1 - Copy associated data for each folder
; Default Value: 0
CopyAssociatedFolderData = 0

; CopyFolderPermissions
; This setting controls whether the program will copy folder permissions to the target folder.
; If this option is selected, folder permissions on the target folder will be OVERWRITTEN,
; by the permissions from the source folder
; Possible values:
; 0 - Do NOT overwrite permissions
; 1 - Copy permissions from the source folder to the target folder, OVERWRITING the existing
; permissions on the target folder.
; Default Value: 0

CopyFolderPermissions = 0

; CopyDeletedItemsFromDumpster
; This setting controls whether the program will copy items that have been deleted by a user
; but can be recovered through Deleted Items Recovery.
; This setting is only valid when extracting data from an Exchange Server version 5.5 or later.
; For all other versions of Exchange Server, this setting is ignored.
; Possible Values:
; 0 - Do not copy items from the Dumpster
; 1 - Copy items from the Dumpster
; Default Value: 0

CopyDeletedItemsFromDumpster = 0

; RemoveIntermediatePSTFiles
; If this setting is set to 1, then the program will remove any intermediate .PST files that
; it creates. This option is only useful when the MergeAction is Extract&Import.
; If this option is set to 0, this will result in a build up of PST files
; and could cause the drive to run out of disk space.
; Default Value: 1
RemoveIntermediatePSTFiles = 1

; UseThisPSTFileForAllMailboxes
; This setting points to an existing PST file.
; The file name should NOT have a path.
; The program will look for this file in the DataDirectoryName specified.
; If this setting is specified and the file exists, then the program will use this PST file instead of
; generating a PST filename based on the Directory Name.
; This option is only valid when the MergeAction is Import
; Currently, this option is only valid when running the program in batch mode.
; Default Value:
; Example:
; UseThisPSTFileForAllMailboxes = DataToBeImported.PST
UseThisPSTFileForAllMailboxes =

; LocalisedPersonalFoldersServiceName
; This setting indicates the name of the "Personal Folders" service
; in localised clients.
; French
;LocalisedPersonalFoldersServiceName=Dossiers personnels
; Spanish
;LocalisedPersonalFoldersServiceName=Carpetas personales
; German
;LocalisedPersonalFoldersServiceName=Persönlicher Ordner

; LocalisedExchangeServerServiceName
; This setting indicates the name of the "Exchange Server Service" service
; in localised clients.
; Usually this is the value of the [PR_PROVIDER_DISPLAY] entry under the
; [EMS_MDB_private] section of the MAPISVC.INF file.
; French
; LocalisedExchangeServerServiceName=Banque de messages Microsoft Exchange

;LocalisedExchangeServerServiceName=Microsoft Exchange-Informationsspeicher

; MapFolderNameToLocalisedName
; This setting controls whether or not the program will search this file
; for localised names of folders. If this setting is set to 1, the program
; will check the [Folder Name Mappings] section in this file, to see if there is an entry for
; each folder being copied.
; The format of the entries in the [Folder Name Mappings] section is
; <Folder In Source Store>=<Folder In Target Store>
; If an entry for the folder being processed in the source store is found in the [[Folder Name Mappings]
; section, then instead of copying data to the original folder, it will copy data to the target folder name
; specified in the [Folder Name Mappings] section entry.
; However, if both the original folder and the new Target folder name are not found, then the program will
; create a folder with the original folder name.
; For example, if the MapFolderNameToLocalisedName setting is set to 1, before copying data from a
; folder called 'Inbox', the program will check the [Folder Name Mappings] section for a Inbox= entry.
; Say it finds an entry Inbox=Posteingang.
; Now instead of copying data to a folder called 'Inbox', or creating a new folder called 'Inbox'
; it will copy data to the folder called 'Posteingang', if it exists. If a folder called 'Posteingang'
; does not exist as well, then a new folder called 'Inbox' will be created.
; This will allow the program to recognise localised versions of the common Exchange folders: Inbox,
; Outbox, Deleted Items etc..
; This setting is only useful when merging data extracted from a source modified with a different language
; client and then importing that data into a target store with a different language client..
; For example, you extract data from a mailbox, with an English client installed, into a .PST file. Then you
; import the data from this .PST file, into a mailbox, with a German client installed.
; Default Value: 0

; MapFolderNameToLocalisedName
; This setting controls whether the program should rename folders in the target store
; if a mapping entry is found in the [Folder Name Mappings] section.
; This setting is used only if the MapFolderNameToLocalisedName setting is 1.
; The format of the entries in the [Folder Name Mappings] section is
; <Folder In Source Store>=<Folder In Target Store>
; If the MapFolderNameToLocalisedName setting has a value of 1, then when processing a folder from the source store,
; if an entry for the folder is found in the [[Folder Name Mappings] section, then instead of copying data to
; the original folder, it will copy data to the target folder name specified in the [Folder Name Mappings] section entry.
; If the RenameFoldersBasedOnFolderMappings setting is 1, then the program will rename the folder in the target store
; to which we will be copying data, to the name of folder in source store from which data is being copied.
; For example, if the MapFolderNameToLocalisedName setting is set to 1, before copying data to a folder called 'Inbox',
; the program will check the [Folder Name Mappings] section for a Inbox= entry.
; Say it finds an entry Inbox=Posteingang. Now instead of copying data to a folder called 'Inbox', or creating a new
; folder called 'Inbox' it will copy data to the folder called Posteingang, if it exists.
; If the RenameFoldersBasedOnFolderMappings setting is 1, the program will rename the Posteingang folder to Inbox.
; If a folder called Posteingang does not exist, then a new folder called 'Inbox' will be created and the data will be copied
; to it.
; This setting is only useful when merging data extracted from a source modified with a different language
; client and then importing that data into a target store with a different language client and you wish to change the names of
; the default folders.
; For example, you extract data from a mailbox, with an English client installed, into a .PST file. Then you
; import the data from this .PST file, into a mailbox, with a German client installed. In other words before you import the data
; the target mailbox has the default folder names in German. If you are importing data from a PST file with English folder names
; and you want the target mailbox to have English folder names after the import, then you will need to have a
; <English Folder Name>=<German Folder Name> mapping in the [Folder Name Mappings section], and you will need to set the
; MapFolderNameToLocalisedName setting to 1 and the RenameFoldersBasedOnFolderMappings setting to 1.
; If you set the MapFolderNameToLocalisedName setting to 1 but the RenameFoldersBasedOnFolderMappings setting is set to 0,
; the program will copy data from the English Folder name in the PST to the corresponding German folder name in the mailbox
; but will not rename the German folder names. Hence, after the import, the target mailbox will still have German folder names,
; but data will be in the corresponding German folders.

; Default Value: 0

[Folder Name Mappings]

; Make sure that the value for MapFolderNameToLocalisedName is set to 1 or
; the settings in this section will be ignored.
; These entries are also used when the RenameFoldersBasedOnFolderMappings setting is 1.
; The format of the entries in this section is:
; <Folder In Source Store>=<Folder In Target Store>
; For example, to map folder names from English to German the following could
; be used:
; Inbox = Posteingang
; Delete Items = Geloschte Objekte
; Sent Items = Gesendete Objekte
; Outbox = Postausgang
That's what I needed. Thanks for your time and trouble.

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