I have a stored procedure in an SQL sever, I have copied exactly how it looks:<br><br>-----------------------<br>-- Users Not backed for set time <br>-- Remember the @days value must be a negative value<br>CREATE PROCEDURE sp_usersnotbackedup<br><br> @days int<br><br>AS<br><br>SELECT Customer.CustID, Customer.CustName, MAX(FileDescription.UploadDate) AS LastModified <br>INTO #tempCust <br>FROM Customer INNER JOIN FileDescription ON Customer.CustID = FileDescription.CustId <br>GROUP BY Customer.CustID, Customer.CustName <br><br>if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[tempNotBackedUp]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)<br>drop table [dbo].[tempNotBackedUp]<br><br><br>select * <br>into tempNotBackedUp<br>from #tempcust <br>where LastModified < DATEADD(day,@days,GETDATE())<br><br>select * from tempNotBackedUp<br> <br><br>/*<br>SELECT Customer.CustID, Customer.CustName, FileDescription.LastModified <br>FROM Customer INNER JOIN FileDescription ON Customer.CustID = FileDescription.CustId <br>WHERE (FileDescription.LastModified < DATEADD(day, @days, GETDATE()))<br><br>*/<br>--------------------------------------------<br><br>the procedure requires a variable @days, my question is how do I use this procudure through ASP and get the results. I have never used stored procedures before, grateful for any help thanks.