I am trying to perform some validation on this Server-side, and return a string or boolean basically signifying if validation passed or failed. If failed I want a msgbox to display informing the user, and if validation passed I want to go to another asp page.
Problems encountered:
1. Cannot use msgbox on server-side to client if invalid
2. Cannot access session variable on client side, therefore I can't perform my validation (NT Auth is saved in session variable, this is done within the global.asa)
3. Cannot seem to execute server-side script from client function?
4. Cannot use response.redirect from client script
I have done some reading on Remote scripting... this may be the solution, but I do not know enough about it to say at this point. HELP, I'm stuck!
Below is an example of my code (that does not work):
Client-Side script:
function validateuser_onlick()
msgbox fvalidate_security()
end function
Server-Side script:
function fvalidate_security()
fvalidate_security = "This is a test - Access Denied"
end if
I am trying to perform some validation on this Server-side, and return a string or boolean basically signifying if validation passed or failed. If failed I want a msgbox to display informing the user, and if validation passed I want to go to another asp page.
Problems encountered:
1. Cannot use msgbox on server-side to client if invalid
2. Cannot access session variable on client side, therefore I can't perform my validation (NT Auth is saved in session variable, this is done within the global.asa)
3. Cannot seem to execute server-side script from client function?
4. Cannot use response.redirect from client script
I have done some reading on Remote scripting... this may be the solution, but I do not know enough about it to say at this point. HELP, I'm stuck!
Below is an example of my code (that does not work):
Client-Side script:
function validateuser_onlick()
msgbox fvalidate_security()
end function
Server-Side script:
function fvalidate_security()
fvalidate_security = "This is a test - Access Denied"
end if