I am trying to automate some administrative tasks on my IIS server via web interface using vbscript. Is there a way to execute the vbscript and have it interact with the desktop on my server? Example, I have the following sample vbscript on my IIS 5 server.
---------start test.asp-------------
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Dim shell
Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell"
shell.run "notepad.exe"
shell.sendkeys "%{F4}"
%>---------end test.asp-------------
When I remotely goto the test.asp page in my browser, notepad executes based on the task manager on the server but it runs as a background process. Notepad never pops up. I am guessing the IIS service executed it with its permissions. What I want is for the active server page to execute and pop up notepad on the server console. Is this possible?
---------start test.asp-------------
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Dim shell
Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell"
shell.run "notepad.exe"
shell.sendkeys "%{F4}"
%>---------end test.asp-------------
When I remotely goto the test.asp page in my browser, notepad executes based on the task manager on the server but it runs as a background process. Notepad never pops up. I am guessing the IIS service executed it with its permissions. What I want is for the active server page to execute and pop up notepad on the server console. Is this possible?