Hi, I'm new to TCL - I wrote the bulk of the script in 5 minutes, and have spent over an hour searching for the answer to something simple - I'm quite frustrated now.
#!/usr/bin/wish -f
button .b -text "Monitor off in 20s" -command {exit}
BUT, all I want to do is run the commands
sleep 20s
xset dpms off
while the window is displayed..
so the script exits after 20s switching the monitor off with it. I just can't find a solution on how to do this WHILE the window box . is present - please help.
#!/usr/bin/wish -f
button .b -text "Monitor off in 20s" -command {exit}
BUT, all I want to do is run the commands
sleep 20s
xset dpms off
while the window is displayed..
so the script exits after 20s switching the monitor off with it. I just can't find a solution on how to do this WHILE the window box . is present - please help.