I'm trying to run a script written out of Access with the activation of a button on the main form. The script is already written to generate a output file from the system, the output file which I want to import into Acesss. The import specifications in Acess are already done by way of a macro. I'm pretty much stuck at executing the script in Access. The script is a Xstart file and ends with .xs. Normally in window explorer, I only need to double click on the script for it to run and produce the output file. Instead of running it off explorer and then going to Access to import it, I hope to be able to execute the script run by clicking a button in Access and then follow up by the import macro.
I've went through 1 previous thread on this, and tried to follow something similiar:
Dim Retval As Variant
Retval = Shell("s:\access\report.xs", 1)
Unfortunately, it didn't work. Need the help of all the experts here.. thanks a lot.
I've went through 1 previous thread on this, and tried to follow something similiar:
Dim Retval As Variant
Retval = Shell("s:\access\report.xs", 1)
Unfortunately, it didn't work. Need the help of all the experts here.. thanks a lot.