I have been googling around since my last thread, and can't find any way to execute a sql file.
I'll try and explan what I want to do:
My script first exports information from my exchange server. It retrieves the mailboxes, items in them, the size of them, and the dn for each. All this is exported to a csv file.
The script then proceeds to convert the csv to an sql file with proper arguments.
What I need now, is to make the script execute this sql file into my database table.
csv output
sql output
I'll try and explan what I want to do:
My script first exports information from my exchange server. It retrieves the mailboxes, items in them, the size of them, and the dn for each. All this is exported to a csv file.
The script then proceeds to convert the csv to an sql file with proper arguments.
What I need now, is to make the script execute this sql file into my database table.
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin
$date = get-date -format d
$file = $date+".csv"
$output = get-mailbox | get-mailboxstatistics | where {$_.ObjectClass -eq "Mailbox"} | Select-Object @{name="Username";expression={$_.DisplayName}},@{name="Size";expression={$_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToKB()}}, @{name="Items";expression={$_.ItemCount}}, @{name="DN";expression={(get-mailbox $_.legacydn).distinguishedname}}, @{name="Dato";expression={$date}}
$output | export-csv -path $file -encoding ascii -notypeinformation
$tableName = "Brugere"
# Generate an informative header for the sql file.
# Note that the out-file command will overwrite any existing file.
$output = $file.ToLower().TrimEnd(".csv") + ".sql"
# Loop through the rows in the csv file.
Import-Csv $file | % {
# The insert variable is used to build a single insert statement
$insert = "INSERT INTO $tableName ("
# We only care about the noteproperties, no use dealing with methods and the such.
$properties = $_ | Get-Member | where { $_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty" }
# Create a comma delimited string of all the property names to use in the insert statement.
# You should make sure that the column headings in the CSV file match the field names in
# your table before you run the script.
$properties | % { $insert += $_.Name + ", " }
$insert = $insert.TrimEnd(", ") + ") VALUES ("
# Couldn't figure out how to access the value directly. So here I'm forced to use
# substring to get it. The Definition looks like "System.String PropertyName=PropertyValue"
# Since the value will be enclosed in single quotes, you will run into trouble if the value
# contains a single quote. To escape the single quote in T-SQL, just put another single quote
# directly in front of it.
$properties | % {
$value = $_.Definition.SubString($_.Definition.IndexOf("=") + 1)
$insert += "'" + $value.Replace("'", "''") + "', "
$insert = $insert.TrimEnd(", ") + ")"
# Append the insert statement to the end of the output file.
$insert | out-file -filepath $output -append
csv output
sql output
INSERT INTO Brugere (Dato, DN, Items, Size, Username) VALUES ('04-11-2009', 'CN=lb1,OU=Brugere,OU=Legepladsen,DC=kokslegeplads,DC=local', '7', '11498', 'lb1')
INSERT INTO Brugere (Dato, DN, Items, Size, Username) VALUES ('04-11-2009', 'CN=lb2,OU=Brugere,OU=Legepladsen,DC=kokslegeplads,DC=local', '6', '5734', 'lb2')
INSERT INTO Brugere (Dato, DN, Items, Size, Username) VALUES ('04-11-2009', 'CN=nb1,OU=Brugere,OU=Legepladsen,DC=kokslegeplads,DC=local', '7', '11454', 'nb1')
INSERT INTO Brugere (Dato, DN, Items, Size, Username) VALUES ('04-11-2009', 'CN=nb2,OU=Brugere,OU=Legepladsen,DC=kokslegeplads,DC=local', '5', '5777', 'nb2')
INSERT INTO Brugere (Dato, DN, Items, Size, Username) VALUES ('04-11-2009', 'CN=nbking,OU=Brugere,OU=Legepladsen,DC=kokslegeplads,DC=local', '2', '7', 'nbking')
INSERT INTO Brugere (Dato, DN, Items, Size, Username) VALUES ('04-11-2009', 'CN=lbking,OU=Brugere,OU=Legepladsen,DC=kokslegeplads,DC=local', '2', '7', 'lbking')