Most (ww) installations have a CLIST or EXEC which runs at startup and allocates ISPF assets (among other things). Usually (ww) there is a convention under which a user dataset named in a particular fashion will be attached and often (ww), if that dataset contains a certain-named member, that member will be executed as part of startup. You should ask the others where you work if they know of such a protocol.
If all you get are dumb looks, you will have to do some hacking:
-- find your TSO logon PROC; its name is shown on the ISPF primary panel;
-- look in SYS1.PROCLIB for a member JES2 or JES3. This identifies all the production PROCLIBS. While you're there, see if your logon PROC is in SYS1.PROCLIB. If not, you'll have to search all those PROCLIBs to find it.
-- in the logon PROC, the startup EXEC (if it exists) will be a parm to IKJEFT01 or a command in //SYSTSIN. The EXEC itself is located in //SYSPROC or //SYSEXEC.
Frank Clarke
Tampa Area REXX Programmers' Alliance
REXX Language Assn Listmaster
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