I am trying to run a program with parameters referenced from a list in excel:
row a contains a list of variable parameters
row b contains a static reference to an executable c:\myapp.exe
row c combines the executable and varaiable into a complete command line using &: For example c:\myap.exe /variable1
I have tried using the hyperlink function to no avail. I can get the executable to work as long as there are no parameters. file:///c:\myap.exe works great however once you add a parameter it fails i.e. file://c:\myapp.exe /a
I have tried every method I could think of to get the hyperlink function to take a parameter so I dont think this will work. Since hyperlink uses the prefix file:/// for local files I also tested this from the run prompt with equal results.
My question is what code could I use to open the application with parameters when I click on the cell or link? This would be for every cell in the c column which contains the full command line.
This could also work calling cmd.exe if necessary. -not sure what is the easiest way to accomplish this.
- thanks for your time
I am trying to run a program with parameters referenced from a list in excel:
row a contains a list of variable parameters
row b contains a static reference to an executable c:\myapp.exe
row c combines the executable and varaiable into a complete command line using &: For example c:\myap.exe /variable1
I have tried using the hyperlink function to no avail. I can get the executable to work as long as there are no parameters. file:///c:\myap.exe works great however once you add a parameter it fails i.e. file://c:\myapp.exe /a
I have tried every method I could think of to get the hyperlink function to take a parameter so I dont think this will work. Since hyperlink uses the prefix file:/// for local files I also tested this from the run prompt with equal results.
My question is what code could I use to open the application with parameters when I click on the cell or link? This would be for every cell in the c column which contains the full command line.
This could also work calling cmd.exe if necessary. -not sure what is the easiest way to accomplish this.
- thanks for your time