How to specify a parameter for an Execute Process Task that takes its value from a global variable?
I wish to run a batch command with a filename as an argument. The filename is generated by a date query in a global variable. The global variable is used for the data source. After the file is processed I wish to move it to an archive folder.
The Execute Process Task looks like it could do that if only I could provide the name of the file for today. At the moment I have a constant parameter, orders????????.txt, which will move any and all order files with names like orders20080521.txt, orders20080522.txt, etc. But I would like to make it specific to the file for today.
I am using SQL Server 2000.
I wish to run a batch command with a filename as an argument. The filename is generated by a date query in a global variable. The global variable is used for the data source. After the file is processed I wish to move it to an archive folder.
The Execute Process Task looks like it could do that if only I could provide the name of the file for today. At the moment I have a constant parameter, orders????????.txt, which will move any and all order files with names like orders20080521.txt, orders20080522.txt, etc. But I would like to make it specific to the file for today.
I am using SQL Server 2000.