We have close to 1000 PC's that need McAfee and the EPO Orchestrator removed. I have a script to uninstall McAfee Antivirus. However, I find no easy way to remove EPO Orchestrator.
At the local PC you can log in with admin rights and execute:
frminst.exe /forceuninstall /silent.
However, I have not been able to make this work using either a batch file or vbscript. I'll paste below what I tried:
strComputer = InputBox("Name of Computer to Remove Framework")
Set objWMIService = GetObject _
("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2:Win32_Process")
errReturn = objWMIService.Create _
("c:\program files\network associate\common framework\frminst.exe /forceuninstall /s", Null, Null, intProcessID)
At the local PC you can log in with admin rights and execute:
frminst.exe /forceuninstall /silent.
However, I have not been able to make this work using either a batch file or vbscript. I'll paste below what I tried:
strComputer = InputBox("Name of Computer to Remove Framework")
Set objWMIService = GetObject _
("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2:Win32_Process")
errReturn = objWMIService.Create _
("c:\program files\network associate\common framework\frminst.exe /forceuninstall /s", Null, Null, intProcessID)