Hi guys,
I'm not sure if this has been covered or not, but I was wonding how I can execute a query in one database from an external database? Can this even be done? I think I would use ADODB.Command but am not sure. Can anyone help?
I set up a function that uses the execute method of the connection object after establishing the connection to the remote database. I pass the function a SQL string. For example:
I don't think you can execute a saved query on a remote database using ADO. If someone knows how, I would love to hear it too.
sql=sql+" COMPFILE.COMP_REPORT_NAME = 'Daily Report for 1/31/03';"
call TablesSql(sql)
Sub TablesSql(ByVal sqlstr As String)
On Error GoTo err_TablesSql
TablesDb.Execute sqlstr, , adCmdText Or adExecuteNoRecords
TablesDb.CommitTrans 'begin/com trans to flush data to disk
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