Hello all,
I will try and keep this as descriptive but short as possible.
I am having trouble accessing SMTP outside of our vpn range (I think). Heres the scenario. 15 remote sites all interconnected through VPN hosted by an isp. MAPI email works fine as does pop3 and smtp within our VPN environment. However smtp does not appear to work using an outside ISP but pop3 does. I am using a bell dialup account to test this so I can connect from outside of our network.
Orignally pop3 and smtp were blocked. I had our isp open 110 and 25 and I can 'receive' email but I still can not send and they claim they have opened port 25 to the outside world. If I run a telnet sesssion against my exchange server on port 25 it connects as normal but if I run it using a test bell dialup account it dosent, it just stays at a black screen for about 15 seconds and says connection to host lost. I can connect with port 110 though from outside the vpn. So I am thinking there is still a problem with our vpn host not allowing port 25 traffic in from the outside world?!
I wanted to be sure it wasnt an issue with Bell (highly unlikely) but I dont have another outside isp to test this with.
If UserA can connect to pop3 and smtp internally (inside the vpn) and can connect to pop3 outside the vpn but not smtp, this should not be an exchange server settings but instead a port blocking rule, would you agree?
I will try and keep this as descriptive but short as possible.
I am having trouble accessing SMTP outside of our vpn range (I think). Heres the scenario. 15 remote sites all interconnected through VPN hosted by an isp. MAPI email works fine as does pop3 and smtp within our VPN environment. However smtp does not appear to work using an outside ISP but pop3 does. I am using a bell dialup account to test this so I can connect from outside of our network.
Orignally pop3 and smtp were blocked. I had our isp open 110 and 25 and I can 'receive' email but I still can not send and they claim they have opened port 25 to the outside world. If I run a telnet sesssion against my exchange server on port 25 it connects as normal but if I run it using a test bell dialup account it dosent, it just stays at a black screen for about 15 seconds and says connection to host lost. I can connect with port 110 though from outside the vpn. So I am thinking there is still a problem with our vpn host not allowing port 25 traffic in from the outside world?!
I wanted to be sure it wasnt an issue with Bell (highly unlikely) but I dont have another outside isp to test this with.
If UserA can connect to pop3 and smtp internally (inside the vpn) and can connect to pop3 outside the vpn but not smtp, this should not be an exchange server settings but instead a port blocking rule, would you agree?