net stop MSExchangeMSMI /y
net stop MSExchangePCMTA /y
net stop MSExchangeFB /y
net stop MSExchangeDX /y
net stop MSExchangeIMC /y
net stop MSExchangeMTA /y
net stop MSExchangeIS /y
net stop MSExchangeDS /y
net stop MSExchangeSA /y
This should stop the exchange services. You may not have all of these running, so delete the ones that aren't. You can verify that they've stopped by looking in the control panel services. To start them after the backup has finished, create a BAT file with these entries:
net start MSExchangeSA
net start MSExchangeDS
net start MSExchangeIS
net start MSExchangeMTA
net start MSExchangeIMC
net start MSExchangeDX
net start MSExchangeFB
net start MSExchangePCMTA
net start MSExchangeMSMI
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