Because I know the difference between a floppy disk and a hard drive, I have been appointed network administrator in a small office that can't afford the real thing. (-: See, even my smiley ended up upside down.
Where can a novice such as I learn the fundamentals of Exchange 5.5? Books? Web sites? I purchased a book that an online bookseller claimed was for beginners - but alas, it was over my head. I need something along the lines of "Exchange 5.5 for the Dumbest of the Dumb."
Where can a novice such as I learn the fundamentals of Exchange 5.5? Books? Web sites? I purchased a book that an online bookseller claimed was for beginners - but alas, it was over my head. I need something along the lines of "Exchange 5.5 for the Dumbest of the Dumb."