My Exchange receive e-mail and only see the first adress in To field, don't see the adresses in Cc field and the others adresses in To field. If someone know the solution for this problem please help-me.
This is kind of vague, because you don't mention if you can't see on the screen the Cc, and the other adresses. How do you know there are other adresses? One method people use to send e-mails out is they write all or most of the addreses in the Bcc field, and they get stripped off when they are sent, you will never see them. If you want to see the header info of the e-mail right click on the message and then click on options. At the bottom, there is a field called "Internet headers" that has a lot of information about the sender and the recipient. I hope this helps.
Yes i see the Cc field, if someone send e-mail to me and whit Cc to other people in my organization only i receive the mail the person on Cc field don't receive.
If someone send a e-mail to 2 or 3 or 4 peoples in my organization only the first person receive the e-mail the others don't receive.I think miss something in my exchange but i don't know.
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