This is an odd request I got from one of my users that I can’t seem to find an answer for. Here’s an example: I have emails that I always send to a certain client (say FORD in this example). They lately have been denying that I have been sending any emails and I have deleted my sent items in the folder so I now have no proof. Is there a way that I can send the email to the clients and have the sent item automatically go to a specific folder (FORD) I have set up in Exchange rather than to the sent items folder (I don’t actually care if it goes to the Sent Items, just as long as it goes to the FORD folder as well)? For example if in the TO field I place the person I am sending the email to and in the CC field I could type in the folders name (FORD) and a copy would go there as well.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.