I'm the "junior exchange admim". There was a power outage over the weekend which took down a # of servers, switches, routers etc. I was able to get everything up and running with the exception of my Internet Mail Service on my bridgehead exchange server (5.5). The actual service and all other necessary Exchange services are running but my IMS queue is filling with email (host unreachable) I am unable to send email from the outside in or from the inside out. Internally all email is flowing. I've checked name resolution on the bridgehead box and can resolve internet sites via nslookup. I've connected to the server on the other end of the connector via telnet port 25. It seems to initially connect although I don't have the login credentials to get in. Can a pro give me some basic troubleshooting advice? I'm looking, but I'm not getting too much help from the home team at the moment. :0)