In our company as any other, some Exchange users need to have rights to see others inboxes and send on their behalf. Unfortunately, some of the support staff have chosen the properties of the 'inbox' and changed the ownership from default - none to default - owner instead of adding the user in question that need rights to the inbox and assigned the apprpriate rights e.g. editor etc. This now allows everyone to see this user's 'inbox' and is a serious security issue As this has happened to several hundred users at random, we need a tool to change this default property setting back to 'None' for ALL inboxes within the organisation or can this be done within Exchange itself? thanks for your help
In our company as any other, some Exchange users need to have rights to see others inboxes and send on their behalf. Unfortunately, some of the support staff have chosen the properties of the 'inbox' and changed the ownership from default - none to default - owner instead of adding the user in question that need rights to the inbox and assigned the apprpriate rights e.g. editor etc. This now allows everyone to see this user's 'inbox' and is a serious security issue As this has happened to several hundred users at random, we need a tool to change this default property setting back to 'None' for ALL inboxes within the organisation or can this be done within Exchange itself? thanks for your help