Hey everyone,
I am trying to track down a user who is forwarding email to a general mailbox of another company. The failure to send error mails are bouncing back to anyone sending a mail to this user, however I have been unable to identify who specifically is doing this. The server runs just under a thousand users.
I have tried the following command, but it seems to return both true and false statements on forwarding and halts after 6 user returns. I am working with limited resources on the server (3/4 memory used) so I am hesitant to set the memory to unlimited for the search..
I am trying to track down a user who is forwarding email to a general mailbox of another company. The failure to send error mails are bouncing back to anyone sending a mail to this user, however I have been unable to identify who specifically is doing this. The server runs just under a thousand users.
I have tried the following command, but it seems to return both true and false statements on forwarding and halts after 6 user returns. I am working with limited resources on the server (3/4 memory used) so I am hesitant to set the memory to unlimited for the search..
Get-Mailbox | Where {$_.ForwardingAddress -ne $null} | Select Name, ForwardingAddress, DeliverToMailboxAndForward