Exchange 2010 is all up and running. Got everything moved over and we are ready to decom the Exchange 2003 server. Follow the steps from to decom the server (deleting the routing connectors, changing the Recipient update service, etc) and go into Add/Remove programs and remove exchange 2003. Everything is humming along swimmingly and then an unknown error has occurred, then it says it finished correctly and wants to reboot the server so I let it. Now the server is some where between having exchange installed and not installed. It's not in the Add/Remove programs anymore, yet several (not all) exchange services still exist. So I follow the steps on to manually remove exchange. All seems well enough, however, when following the directions above, I was in ADSIedit. Under Configuration - cn=configuration, dc=<domain>, dc=com - cn=services - cn=microsoft exchange - cn=< organization name> - cn=Administrative Groups - CN=<domain> - CN=Servers
I see the old exchange server listed. It's the only server listed in this area. I'm not quite sure if I should delete it or not. I know ADSIEdit is like a billion times more dangerous then regedit and I don't much like doing anything in it. So I wanted other's input.
Thanks in advance.
I see the old exchange server listed. It's the only server listed in this area. I'm not quite sure if I should delete it or not. I know ADSIEdit is like a billion times more dangerous then regedit and I don't much like doing anything in it. So I wanted other's input.
Thanks in advance.