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Sep 11, 2003
I have Windows XP Pro Version 2002 SP1. I recently installed several service security patches for Windows and it caused my PC to slow down significantly. I removed the patches and everything went back to normal except for the following situation.

If I view a folder (with either Windows Explorer or My Cpomuter) that has videos in it (wmv, mpg), double click on one of the videos, and bring up Windows Media Player version 10, the CPU usage goes up to 100%. Even when I close down Media Plaayer, Explorer, or IE, the CPU still stays at 100%. The Task Manager tells me that Explorer is utilizing the most CPU. I have to shut down and re-start to get make to normal CPU usage (which is usually at less than 5%).

I have run various spyware detection packages (on my PC and on the net) and have not found anything. Memory is enough since I didn't have these problemes before installing the patches (which, as I mentioned before, de-installed).

Any advice? Thanks!
Technical support is available from Microsoft Product Support Services at 1-866-PC SAFETY (1-866-727-2338). There is no charge for support calls associated with security updates.
International customers can get support from their local Microsoft subsidiaries.

A read of the Technical Articles associated with each security update may also reveal known problems and solutions for various updates.

If things were OK a few days ago System Restore is a handy ally.

822430 - Windows Stops Responding When You Click a Large AVI File in Windows Explorer

There is a bug in XP in handling AVI files, where the file is corrupt or broken, causing explorer to read the whole file looking for index or property details.

It has been suggested to correct this misbehavior in Windows XP, remove the following registry key.


This will prevent Explorer from loading shmedia.dll in response to file property queries on these files.

Also try these.

A suggested workaround: Go to Start/Run/Regedit and navigate to the key below and delete the default data (right pane).

For AVI's


For MP3's


Note: Make a backup of each key before editing.

Have a look around these links.

Select a file - windows stops.
You could always try disengaging CAPS lock...
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