I've got a form with a table where the user enters an employee id into the first column and upon exiting the cell the below script is triggered which populates the other columns in the table with the employee's information. The problem I'm having is that the code works on the first row of the table, but when I try to enter another employee on row two, I receive a "Exception occurred" error. I can go back and change the employee on the first row and the script works fine, but can't add additional rows.
The odd thing about this is that it worked before, until I modified the SQL to include another table for additional fields I needed.
GetData main script
When user enters employee id this script is triggered. rstrEmplid is the field that's used for what I'm describing. The roster dates are filled in by the user prior to entering data in the table. The script pulls the employee id and roster dates from the form and passes it to a function that uses those variables in a SQL string. getEmplData() creates a db connection, executes the SQL string against it, puts the results into a recordset and returns that recordset back to the main function.
Once the main function is back in control, it takes the results of the recordset and populates the form columns with the data. The error occurs when the user enters the employee id after the first row in the table.
This is the line that's shown with the error.
Any help with this is greatly appreciated.
Main script
Functions include script
The odd thing about this is that it worked before, until I modified the SQL to include another table for additional fields I needed.
GetData main script
When user enters employee id this script is triggered. rstrEmplid is the field that's used for what I'm describing. The roster dates are filled in by the user prior to entering data in the table. The script pulls the employee id and roster dates from the form and passes it to a function that uses those variables in a SQL string. getEmplData() creates a db connection, executes the SQL string against it, puts the results into a recordset and returns that recordset back to the main function.
Once the main function is back in control, it takes the results of the recordset and populates the form columns with the data. The error occurs when the user enters the employee id after the first row in the table.
This is the line that's shown with the error.
Response.Write "rstrName=" & rst("name") & vbCrLf
Any help with this is greatly appreciated.
Main script
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="includes/functions.asp" -->
Response.ContentType = "Text/Plain"
Dim rstrEmplid, histEmplid, rst, page, jobcode
Dim rosterYear, rosterMonth, rosterDate
Dim rosterBegin_DT, rosterEnd_DT
Dim amount
page = Trim(request.QueryString("page"))
rstrEmplid = Trim(request("rstremplid"))
histEmplid = Trim(request("emplID"))
rosterYear = Trim(request("rosterYear"))
rosterMonth = Trim(request("rosterMonth"))
rosterEnd_DT = Trim(request("rosterEnd_DT"))
Select Case page
Case "rosterTable"
rosterDate = rosterMonth & " 1, " & rosterYear
rosterDate = CDate(rosterDate)
rosterEnd_DT = DateAdd("d",-1,DateAdd("m",1,rosterDate))
rst = getEmplData ("id",rstrEmplid, rosterEnd_DT)
Response.Write "rstrName=" & rst("name") & vbCrLf
Response.Write "rstrjobcode=" & rst("jobcode") & vbCrLf
Response.Write "rstrDescr=" & rst("jobDescr") & vbCrLf
Response.Write "rstrPay=Yes" & vbCrLf
Response.Write "rstrAmt=" & rst("amount") & vbCrLf
Case "historyUser"
Case "rosterDates"
End Select
Functions include script
Function getEmplData (qtype, value, endDate)
Dim conn, rst, SQL
If IsNull(endDate) Then
endDate = Date()
End If
'Set db connection to get empl data
Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open ("DSN=...;UID=...;PWD=...")
SQL = SQL & "SELECT " & vbcrlf
SQL = SQL & " j.emplid , " & vbcrlf
SQL = SQL & " j.name , " & vbcrlf
SQL = SQL & " j.jobcode , " & vbcrlf
SQL = SQL & " jt.descr AS jobDescr, " & vbcrlf
SQL = SQL & " AND "
SQL = SQL & " ( "
If qtype = "id" Then
SQL = SQL & " j.emplid = '" & value & "'" & vbcrlf
Elseif qtype = "usr" Then
SQL = SQL & " j.oprid ='" & value & "'" & vbcrlf
End If
SQL = SQL & " ) " & vbcrlf
Set rst = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rst.Open SQL , conn
SET getEmplData = rst
End Function