Run-time error '5097'
There is insufficient memory. Save the document now.
'OK' is the only option
This error happens at
Word fires up using the template and then this error pops up.
All the Microsoft and other help says that too many fonts causes this error (300-666) [Word97]. I've deleting fonts. I've got my fonts folder down to 215, but I'm still getting the error. Memory is definitely not maxed out.
The script used to create the documents with no problem, it now doesn't.
Excel 2003 VBA
Creating Word 2003 document.
Windows XP
Does anyone know the cause and the solution to this problem?
There is insufficient memory. Save the document now.
'OK' is the only option
This error happens at
Dim oDoc As Word.Document
Set oDoc = oWord.Documents.Add(Template:=strTemplateSpec)
Word fires up using the template and then this error pops up.
All the Microsoft and other help says that too many fonts causes this error (300-666) [Word97]. I've deleting fonts. I've got my fonts folder down to 215, but I'm still getting the error. Memory is definitely not maxed out.
The script used to create the documents with no problem, it now doesn't.
Excel 2003 VBA
Creating Word 2003 document.
Windows XP
Does anyone know the cause and the solution to this problem?