Can anyone tell me the ID number for the following control in Excel:
Tools > Options > Edit > Allow Cell Drag and Drop
I'm currently using the following code to disable the 'Options' popup, but I really need to turn off drag and drop first that is located on the popup window. I don't want users to be able to copy cells down as it gets past my validation routines.
Application.CommandBars("Tools").FindControl(ID:=522).Enabled = False
Thanks in advance
Can anyone tell me the ID number for the following control in Excel:
Tools > Options > Edit > Allow Cell Drag and Drop
I'm currently using the following code to disable the 'Options' popup, but I really need to turn off drag and drop first that is located on the popup window. I don't want users to be able to copy cells down as it gets past my validation routines.
Application.CommandBars("Tools").FindControl(ID:=522).Enabled = False
Thanks in advance