Hi There
Is it possible to write code to build a file based on a template when the user selects File and Open from the file menu. At the moment if this is done, the actual template file (xlt) file opens. Obviously I dont want users to make changes to this file. I will tell them to select File and New but I suspect that they may forget and revert to using File and Open. I had tried to add the code below in the workbook open method but it just started an endless loop
any help would be appreciated
Is it possible to write code to build a file based on a template when the user selects File and Open from the file menu. At the moment if this is done, the actual template file (xlt) file opens. Obviously I dont want users to make changes to this file. I will tell them to select File and New but I suspect that they may forget and revert to using File and Open. I had tried to add the code below in the workbook open method but it just started an endless loop
any help would be appreciated
Workbooks.Add(Template:= _
"M:\depts\HS&ES\Safety\Physio Stats\PhysiotherapyTreatmentRecord.xlt" _
).RunAutoMacros Which:=xlAutoOpen