I have this Excel Query below. I need to do an Outer Join to show all Accounts(field name) in the Accounts Table and Accounts (field name) in the Cost table. Plus, i need the other Tables as they are linked. How can one get around excel's limitation for not allowing out linking? thank you!
SELECT Cost.Account, Sum(MTD_Amt)*-1, Account.Account
FROM TRAINING.dbo.Account Account, TRAINING.dbo.Cost Cost, TRAINING.dbo.Fiscal_Period Fiscal_Period, TRAINING.dbo.Fiscal_Year Fiscal_Year
WHERE Fiscal_Period.Fiscal_Year = Fiscal_Year.Fiscal_Year AND Cost.Period = Fiscal_Period.Fiscal_Period AND Account.Account = Cost.Account AND ((Fiscal_Year.Name='2014'))
GROUP BY Cost.Account, Account.Account
SELECT Cost.Account, Sum(MTD_Amt)*-1, Account.Account
FROM TRAINING.dbo.Account Account, TRAINING.dbo.Cost Cost, TRAINING.dbo.Fiscal_Period Fiscal_Period, TRAINING.dbo.Fiscal_Year Fiscal_Year
WHERE Fiscal_Period.Fiscal_Year = Fiscal_Year.Fiscal_Year AND Cost.Period = Fiscal_Period.Fiscal_Period AND Account.Account = Cost.Account AND ((Fiscal_Year.Name='2014'))
GROUP BY Cost.Account, Account.Account