Hi, I have an excel spread sheet which looks something like this..
OEM, Description, Code, Qty
abc, 123456, 111, 22
def, 234567, 112, 56
ghi, 234567, 111, 12
I need to be able to modify the quantity depending on a rule set against the Code..
For example...
If the code is 111 and the quantity is > 50 then pick a random number between 40 & 49 else leave the value alone.
If the code is 112 and the quantity is > 200 then pick a random number between 190 & 199 else leave the value alone.
Please can anyone advise?
Many thanks,
OEM, Description, Code, Qty
abc, 123456, 111, 22
def, 234567, 112, 56
ghi, 234567, 111, 12
I need to be able to modify the quantity depending on a rule set against the Code..
For example...
If the code is 111 and the quantity is > 50 then pick a random number between 40 & 49 else leave the value alone.
If the code is 112 and the quantity is > 200 then pick a random number between 190 & 199 else leave the value alone.
Please can anyone advise?
Many thanks,