I've got a spreadsheet that is querying inventory. I have a parameter setup so I can enter two values - a starting inventory location and an ending inventory location. In Microsoft Query, my criteria formula looks like this...
>=[Start Location] And <=[End Location]
The problem I'm having is if I enter a start location of OS1-1 and an end location of OS1-155, it's only showing me locations that start with OS1-1. Examples, OS1-1, OS1-10, OS1-11, OS1-12, etc. There are locations like OS1-3 that aren't showing. What am I doing wrong?
>=[Start Location] And <=[End Location]
The problem I'm having is if I enter a start location of OS1-1 and an end location of OS1-155, it's only showing me locations that start with OS1-1. Examples, OS1-1, OS1-10, OS1-11, OS1-12, etc. There are locations like OS1-3 that aren't showing. What am I doing wrong?