I am having an issue calculating percentages correctly. I have 2 colums that are general number format. say colum A for baseline and B for actual time in seconds. column C is for the percenage result. I want column C to show the increase of percentage.
For instance
A1 = 8
B1 = 7
C1 is a forumular for B1/A1 and excel shows it to be:
I know this is not the correct percentage.
I beleive if I take 87.5 and subtract it from 100 to get 12.5 is the correct answere to show that there was a 12.5% better time.
Is there a simpler way to do this?
For instance
A1 = 8
B1 = 7
C1 is a forumular for B1/A1 and excel shows it to be:
I know this is not the correct percentage.
I beleive if I take 87.5 and subtract it from 100 to get 12.5 is the correct answere to show that there was a 12.5% better time.
Is there a simpler way to do this?