I am trying to add data from a named rage which contains several coluns of data to an access table with the same columns.
I have made an ado connection to the access table and am trying to push the named range to it from excel.
I am having trouble with the sql/vba to add the named range to the table.
help will be appreciated.
My code is as below.
I keep getting errors such as Type mismatch etc!!!
Please help.
I have made an ado connection to the access table and am trying to push the named range to it from excel.
I am having trouble with the sql/vba to add the named range to the table.
help will be appreciated.
My code is as below.
rs2.Open "INSERT INTO tblDW SELECT * FROM " & NRTDData$ & ";", cn2, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
I keep getting errors such as Type mismatch etc!!!
Please help.