While I'm sure that this question has been asked and answered previously, I was unable to find the solution in FAQ's or searching previous threads. I also posted this in the Office forum and after countless hours of searching now think that it may be a VBA solution, hence my posting it here.
I have two different reports that are output to an Excel format from another piece of software. The format of the reports are the same and some of the data included on them is duplicated as well. What I would like to do is use one report as a master list and then compare the rows on the second report to the master and if the item description is not present already, append that item to the master and when complete resort the master alphabetically by description.
The items do not have unique identifying numbers but the descriptions are unique for each row.
The source of the master report is on a sheet that I name Female while the second report is copied to a sheet named Male. I also have 4 other sheets in the workbook that contain data from 4 different locations and a sheet named Market Analysis that creates a summary report for the market.
All of my reporting and calulations for the analysis work using just the data from Female correctly, but I have been unable to append the unique items from Male.
Column B is the Description and Column F is the Price. These are the only 2 columns that I would need data from. Data begins on Row 10 and continues. The data ends 2 rows above a description of Treatment Total, so I am currently using the MATCH function to find "Treatment Total" and then subtract 2 rows for last row of data.
My goal is to have the users of the market analysis workbook run the reports that are the source of the analysis and then copy and paste them into the appropriate sheets on the market analysis workbook without having to make any other changes or entries.
Thanks in advance for your assistance...
I have two different reports that are output to an Excel format from another piece of software. The format of the reports are the same and some of the data included on them is duplicated as well. What I would like to do is use one report as a master list and then compare the rows on the second report to the master and if the item description is not present already, append that item to the master and when complete resort the master alphabetically by description.
The items do not have unique identifying numbers but the descriptions are unique for each row.
The source of the master report is on a sheet that I name Female while the second report is copied to a sheet named Male. I also have 4 other sheets in the workbook that contain data from 4 different locations and a sheet named Market Analysis that creates a summary report for the market.
All of my reporting and calulations for the analysis work using just the data from Female correctly, but I have been unable to append the unique items from Male.
Column B is the Description and Column F is the Price. These are the only 2 columns that I would need data from. Data begins on Row 10 and continues. The data ends 2 rows above a description of Treatment Total, so I am currently using the MATCH function to find "Treatment Total" and then subtract 2 rows for last row of data.
My goal is to have the users of the market analysis workbook run the reports that are the source of the analysis and then copy and paste them into the appropriate sheets on the market analysis workbook without having to make any other changes or entries.
Thanks in advance for your assistance...