Using Excel 2002
Working on a macro that will copy data from one workbook to another.
The workbook that the data is copied TO will always be named the same.
The workbook that the data is copied FROM name is always different.
The macro I recorded has the copied FROM sheet referenced as:
Windows("COLUMN MEASUREMENT WITH BRKT~SN0056-3.csv").Activate
As I take it, this macro will only run if the workbook COLUMN MEASUREMENT WITH BRKT~SN0056-3.csv is open. But after I have copied this data, I need to go to another sheet that may be named COLUMN MEASUREMENT WITH BRKT~SN0069-56.csv and so on and so on.
When I run the macro I will only have two workbooks open, the copy to and copy from workbooks.
Is it possible to modify the macro to always go to the only other open workbook, no matter the name and copy the data?
Working on a macro that will copy data from one workbook to another.
The workbook that the data is copied TO will always be named the same.
The workbook that the data is copied FROM name is always different.
The macro I recorded has the copied FROM sheet referenced as:
Windows("COLUMN MEASUREMENT WITH BRKT~SN0056-3.csv").Activate
As I take it, this macro will only run if the workbook COLUMN MEASUREMENT WITH BRKT~SN0056-3.csv is open. But after I have copied this data, I need to go to another sheet that may be named COLUMN MEASUREMENT WITH BRKT~SN0069-56.csv and so on and so on.
When I run the macro I will only have two workbooks open, the copy to and copy from workbooks.
Is it possible to modify the macro to always go to the only other open workbook, no matter the name and copy the data?