ok, this is easy, because the effect I want to mimick is the input effect. If familuar, when you input values into excel cells you have to first dbl click the field to make it active and when you dbl click another filed the previous field becomes inactive and displays the value.
How to mimick this with Jscript (therory):
you make a table, in one cell, you encode a textbox, name the textbox and hide it. Ondblclick of the cell the textbox appears and you can then type in it. when you dbl click another text box (field) the previous textbox hides and passes it's value to the cell it resides in. Easy!!!!
So, my question is:
How do I pass a textboxes value to a table cell? I tried:
but it didn't work... like always help is much appreciated!
"The only difference between me and a mad man is that I'm not mad."
- Dali
How to mimick this with Jscript (therory):
you make a table, in one cell, you encode a textbox, name the textbox and hide it. Ondblclick of the cell the textbox appears and you can then type in it. when you dbl click another text box (field) the previous textbox hides and passes it's value to the cell it resides in. Easy!!!!
So, my question is:
How do I pass a textboxes value to a table cell? I tried:
function excel(){
but it didn't work... like always help is much appreciated!
"The only difference between me and a mad man is that I'm not mad."
- Dali