Hey all
I have this code exert
(bits have been cut out for sanity!)
Now after this while if i do a Reader.item(0) i get data from the second row. If i do Reader.getname(0) i get the header. What i effectively want is the header to be in the dataset. I thought this is what HDR=No would give me.
Help JET SQL is doing my nut
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind - Dr. Seuss
Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes - EW Dijkstra
I have this code exert
connectionString = "Provider =Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source =""" + Dts.Variables("Filename").Value.ToString + """; Extended Properties =""Excel 8.0;HDR=No;IMEX=0""; "
conn.ConnectionString = connectionString
cmd.Connection = conn
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * from [" + Sheet + "]"
Reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
Dim RowNumber As Integer = 1
While (Reader.Read)
Now after this while if i do a Reader.item(0) i get data from the second row. If i do Reader.getname(0) i get the header. What i effectively want is the header to be in the dataset. I thought this is what HDR=No would give me.
Help JET SQL is doing my nut
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind - Dr. Seuss
Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes - EW Dijkstra