I thought somebody might find this useful. I was trying to put pictures into comment boxes and browsing various code to do this and everyone seemed to be having trouble with locking the aspect ratio. So I grabbed small pieces of code and added a little to it and came up with this. It will call up the file dialog, you select your picture, and then the selected picture is inserted into a comment box on the currently selected cell. The macro prompts for a scaling factor that divides each pixel dimension (H, W) by the number entered in the input box and preserves the aspect ratio. The larger the number input the smaller the picture in the comment box. Thanks to those who contributed code to this. If anyone wants to improve on it be my guest. My knowledge of VBA could always use some improving.
Sub InsertPhotoInComment()
' Created in Excel 2010/Win 7, also tested in Excel 2003/Vista.
' Macro allows user to put a picture in a comment box and
' specify scaled display size. Note: pictures that have a large
' file size will dramatically increase workbook file size.
' Create variables
Dim Finfo As String ' Used for file extension filters
Dim FilterIndex As Integer ' Used to indicate default file extension
Dim Title As String ' Used to hold the file dialog title text
Dim FileName As Variant ' Holds the file name that is selected
Dim commentBox As Comment ' Holds the comment box
Dim H As Long ' Holds the height value of the selected picture
Dim W As Long ' Holds the width value of the selected picture
Dim RF As Variant ' Holds the picture reduction factor from inputbox
' Allows the user to use the File Open dialog to select a file.
' Set up list of file extension filters for the file type drop down,
' I used wild card only. Others could be added.
Finfo = "All Files (*.*),*.*"
' Display All Files by default. If you have more extensions in the above list
' the FilterIndex determines what number in the list shows by default.
FilterIndex = 1
' Set the dialog box title caption
Title = "Select a Picture File to Insert into Comment Box"
' Get the filename
FileName = Application.GetOpenFileName(Finfo, _
FilterIndex, Title)
' Handle return info from dialog box
If FileName = False Then
MsgBox "No file was selected."
End If
' Exit macro if no file is selected
If FileName = False Then Exit Sub
' Get relative dimensions of the picture chosen.
' I chose a 599 W x 800 H picture and got 15849 x 21167.
' I have no idea what units these numbers represent, but they
' are 26.459 (rounded off) X each pixel dimension.
Set myImg = LoadPicture(FileName)
H = myImg.Height
W = myImg.Width
' Prompt user for scaling reduction factor
RF = InputBox(Prompt:="What reduction factor do you want to apply to the picture?" & _
vbNewLine & "Height and Width will be divided by the number input." & vbNewLine _
& "Input a number greater than zero!", Title:="Picture Scaling Reduction Factor")
' Warning message if not number greater than zero and exit macro
If Not IsNumeric(RF) Or RF = 0 Then MsgBox "Entered value must be a number greater than zero"
If Not IsNumeric(RF) Or RF = 0 Then Exit Sub
' Any existing comments must be cleared before adding a new one.
Set commentBox = ActiveCell.AddComment
' Put picture into comment and set attributes
With commentBox
.Text Text:=""
With .Shape
.Fill.UserPicture (FileName)
.Width = (W / 26.459) / RF ' The first part of equation scales picture to native size
.Height = (H / 26.459) / RF ' the second part scales the picture by the reduction factor.
End With
.Visible = False
End With
End Sub