I would like to make a visual basic 6 application that works with excel :
There is a textbox and a command button, and when I write something in the textbox and I've clicked on the command button, the application must save the text in the textbox in an excel document (ex. in cell A5, and excel document "c:\new\test.xls"). Can someone help me?
And a little more question: I've got another textbox and another command button, and when I click on that button, the program must open an excel file and must show in the textbox what there is in the cel B5?
I would like to make a visual basic 6 application that works with excel :
There is a textbox and a command button, and when I write something in the textbox and I've clicked on the command button, the application must save the text in the textbox in an excel document (ex. in cell A5, and excel document "c:\new\test.xls"). Can someone help me?
And a little more question: I've got another textbox and another command button, and when I click on that button, the program must open an excel file and must show in the textbox what there is in the cel B5?