You cannot hide a cell. You can hid Rows or Columns, however. Hidden Rows/Columns are...., well...., er...., hidden, and therefore not visible for either viewing or printing.
You can, however, record a macro to UNHIDE the Rows/Columns, PRINT and REHIDE, if so desired.
It is possible to completely hide the contents of a cell using the "Hidden" option under Protection with the cell format set to ";;;". If you also "Lock" the cell the contents become not only invisible, but your users won't be able to access it and make any changes. I've found this invaluable when creating sheets for multiple users - keeps them from messing with the calculations.
If this is what you're doing SkipVought's solution will work, but you'll have a couple of extra steps to perform when recording your macro.
Sorry guys. I am fairly new to Excel and also self taught. To be more specific - I want to hide the content of a row from view, but still have that content print.
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