Technical User
i have a formula for a cell in one workbook that is linked from cells in several other work books. My problem is excel will not catch the formula in the first couple of cells so that i can drag it and it will go to the next few cells and change the cell position and number as need.
initial formula
=('[Jorge Brown Project Task Timesheet.xls]J. Brown - Project Timesheet'!$E$7+'[James Richardson Project Task Timesheet.xls]Sheet1'!$E$7+'[Jesus Garcia Project Task Timesheet.xls]J. Garcia - Project Timesheet'!$E$7)
i need excel to send it to
=('[Jorge Brown Project Task Timesheet.xls]J. Brown - Project Timesheet'!$F$7+'[James Richardson Project Task Timesheet.xls]Sheet1'!$F$7+'[Jesus Garcia Project Task Timesheet.xls]J. Garcia - Project Timesheet'!$F$7)
in the next cells but it wont catch the formula and change it.
Manual change is not a realistic option since the data sheet is dated for every week to october 30 2002 with 25 subcategories under 14 main categories
initial formula
=('[Jorge Brown Project Task Timesheet.xls]J. Brown - Project Timesheet'!$E$7+'[James Richardson Project Task Timesheet.xls]Sheet1'!$E$7+'[Jesus Garcia Project Task Timesheet.xls]J. Garcia - Project Timesheet'!$E$7)
i need excel to send it to
=('[Jorge Brown Project Task Timesheet.xls]J. Brown - Project Timesheet'!$F$7+'[James Richardson Project Task Timesheet.xls]Sheet1'!$F$7+'[Jesus Garcia Project Task Timesheet.xls]J. Garcia - Project Timesheet'!$F$7)
in the next cells but it wont catch the formula and change it.
Manual change is not a realistic option since the data sheet is dated for every week to october 30 2002 with 25 subcategories under 14 main categories