I have a spreadsheet with the following info:
DNR- HD reaction is slow IBM
GDC - User's having computer issues. IBM
GTA-New Laptop needs visio IBM
User Called stating her computer is slow IBM
DHR- Internet Explore Error IBM
GDC - Monitor is broken IBM
DHR - Computer is Slow IBM
DNR Danny Brown ...PC will not boot IBM
In the Agency field "IBM" is there and I would like to create a formula that would change the name IBM to the agency in the same. For example, in the first line the DNR agency is at the beginning in the Summary and the Agency is IBM. I need a formula the will allow me to pull the DNR agency name instead.
I have a spreadsheet with the following info:
DNR- HD reaction is slow IBM
GDC - User's having computer issues. IBM
GTA-New Laptop needs visio IBM
User Called stating her computer is slow IBM
DHR- Internet Explore Error IBM
GDC - Monitor is broken IBM
DHR - Computer is Slow IBM
DNR Danny Brown ...PC will not boot IBM
In the Agency field "IBM" is there and I would like to create a formula that would change the name IBM to the agency in the same. For example, in the first line the DNR agency is at the beginning in the Summary and the Agency is IBM. I need a formula the will allow me to pull the DNR agency name instead.