I have the following code so that the file save name will be the contents of cell B1, plus the date and time:
SuggName = Left(Sheets("PO").Range("B1"), 5) _
& ("_") & Application.Text(Now(), "mmddyy") & "_" & Application.Text(Now(), "hhmm") & ".XLS"
Application.Dialogs(xlDialogSaveAs).Show SuggName
This will suit by needs to some extent, but ideally I would like for it to save the file to a directory also named the same as the contents of cell B1, and to create that directory if it does not exist. I want to automate the saving process as much as possible. Cell B1 contains my customer's name, and I want to save their PO's in folders named after my customer, and each file in that folder to be named customername_date_time.xls.
SuggName = Left(Sheets("PO").Range("B1"), 5) _
& ("_") & Application.Text(Now(), "mmddyy") & "_" & Application.Text(Now(), "hhmm") & ".XLS"
Application.Dialogs(xlDialogSaveAs).Show SuggName
This will suit by needs to some extent, but ideally I would like for it to save the file to a directory also named the same as the contents of cell B1, and to create that directory if it does not exist. I want to automate the saving process as much as possible. Cell B1 contains my customer's name, and I want to save their PO's in folders named after my customer, and each file in that folder to be named customername_date_time.xls.