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excel email attachment is blank 2

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Technical User
Jul 4, 2007
Hi All,

I have been working on an email project where I use a couple of sql queries in access to send an email with an excel attachement. It all works quite will except that the excel attachment comes up blank or closed? I am not sure anyway the worksheet is gone and I am unsure why, any help with this would be very much appreciated

Here is my code that I am using

Option Compare Database

Private Sub Command4_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim objOutlook As Object
Dim objEmail As Object
Dim MyDb As DAO.Database
Dim rsEmail As DAO.Recordset
'Dim PER As DAO.Recordset
Dim sMessageBody, strCC
Dim apetext As Variant
Dim abdtext As Variant
Dim objExcel As Object
Dim objworkbook As Object
Dim objSheet As Object

Set MyDb = CurrentDb()

apetext = MyDb.QueryDefs("shea").SQL

apetext = Replace(apetext, "@start_date", "'" & Me.startdate & "'")
apetext = Replace(apetext, "@end_date", "'" & Me.enddate & "'")

MyDb.QueryDefs("shea").SQL = apetext

Set rsEmail = MyDb.OpenRecordset("shea", dbOpenDynaset)

Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.application")

With rsEmail
Do Until rsEmail.EOF

Set objEmail = objOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)
sMessageBody = ReturnTemplate("sEmail")

'replace variables
sMessageBody = Replace(sMessageBody, "@FORENAME@", rsEmail!FORENAME)
sMessageBody = Replace(sMessageBody, "@SURNAME@", rsEmail!SURNAME)
sMessageBody = Replace(sMessageBody, "@TIMESTAMP@", Format(Now(), "dddd, d mmmm yyyy at h:nn am/pm"))
abdtext = MyDb.QueryDefs("lscd_master").SQL

abdtext = Replace(abdtext, "@start_date", "'" & Me.startdate & "'")

abdtext = Replace(abdtext, "@end_date", "'" & Me.enddate & "'")

abdtext = Replace(abdtext, "@person_code", rsEmail!person_code)

MyDb.QueryDefs("lscd").SQL = abdtext

Set PER = MyDb.OpenRecordset("lscd", dbOpenSnapshot)

Set objExcel = GetObject("excel.application")

Set objworkbook = GetObject(Application.CurrentProject.Path & "\lsc_template.xlsx")


Set objSheet = objworkbook.worksheets("lsc")

objSheet.range("A9").copyfromrecordset PER

objworkbook.saveas Application.CurrentProject.Path & "\attachment\lsc_" & rsEmail!person_code & ".xlsx"

Set objExcel = Nothing
Set objworkbook = Nothing
Set objSheet = Nothing
Set PER = Nothing

With objEmail
If IsNull(rsEmail!she) = False Then
.To = rsEmail!she
.SentOnBehalfOfName = "someone@somewhere.co.uk"
.Attachments.Add Application.CurrentProject.Path & "\attachment\lsc" & rsEmail!person_code & ".xlsx"
.Subject = "Lsc monthly spreadsheet"
.Importance = olImportancehigh
.HTMLbody = sMessageBody

End If
End With

Set objEmail = Nothing

End With
MsgBox "All " & rsEmail!Count & " emails sent", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, ""

Set MyDb = Nothing
Set rsEmail = Nothing

Set objOutlook = Nothing
Set objEmail = Nothing

End Sub

Many Thanks

objworkbook.saveas Application.CurrentProject.Path & "\attachment\lsc_" & rsEmail!person_code & ".xlsx"

.Attachments.Add Application.CurrentProject.Path & "\attachment\lsc" & rsEmail!person_code & ".xlsx"

Looks like you are creating a file called lsc_personname.xls

and in the subsequent statement you are attaching a file called lscpersonname. xls, you are missing the underbar character ("_") in the statement .Attachments.Add etc
Many Thanks vbajock for you fast reply,

I check and this was an error when I transferred over to notepad not an error in the code, but thanks for pointing that out I thought I had missed something but I could not see what.

the file attaches correctly and looks like an excel file even has kb size, but when I check that the data is correct for the correct file there is no workbook in the attachment. It opens like you have closed the sheet in the workbook. I have never seen anything like this

Many Thanks


Is the data in the workbook when you check it in Excel?
I'd get rid of this:
Set objExcel = GetObject("excel.application")
and this:

And just after saveas I'd use this:

Hope This Helps, PH.
You should put some code in to check to make sure PER isn't an empty record set:

If PER.bof=true and PER.eof =true then

'I'm passing an empty recordset, do something about it...


'go ahead and write the attachment

Many Thanks for the advice PHV and VBAJOCK, but I still have the same problem with there being no sheets in the workbook, its like it has somehow closed the workbook before doing the save as. I have looked everywhere and this code is correct, any help will be much appreciated

Many Thanks

Did you put the code in to test for an empty recordset?
I did put the code in, sorry still get the same answer.

Please Paste your current code, including any changes you've made thus far.
You are still be very vague and it is hard to help you. Ok, you put the code in. What happened? Does the recordset have data in it?

Sorry for being vague, I put the code in like this:

If PER.BOF = True And PER.EOF = True Then

MsgBox "No data in recordset"


objSheet.range("A9").copyfromrecordset PER
objworkbook.saveas Application.CurrentProject.Path & "\attachment\learner_status_check_" & rsEmail!person_code & ".xlsx"

End If

and as the recordset has data in it no message came up, it produces for excel file but there are no worksheets in it
but the orginal is still in tack, has it got something to do with some data already being in the spreadsheet?

Sorry I am unsure what other information to give you.

Many Thanks


Here is the new code

Option Compare Database

Private Sub Command4_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim objOutlook As Object
Dim objEmail As Object
Dim MyDb As DAO.Database
Dim rsEmail As DAO.Recordset
'Dim PER As DAO.Recordset
Dim sMessageBody, strCC
Dim apetext As Variant
Dim abdtext As Variant
Dim objExcel As Object
Dim objworkbook As Object
Dim objSheet As Object

Set MyDb = CurrentDb()

apetext = MyDb.QueryDefs("shea").SQL

apetext = Replace(apetext, "@start_date", "'" & Me.startdate & "'")
apetext = Replace(apetext, "@end_date", "'" & Me.enddate & "'")

MyDb.QueryDefs("shea").SQL = apetext

Set rsEmail = MyDb.OpenRecordset("shea", dbOpenDynaset)

Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.application")

With rsEmail
Do Until rsEmail.EOF

Set objEmail = objOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)
sMessageBody = ReturnTemplate("sEmail")

'replace variables
sMessageBody = Replace(sMessageBody, "@FORENAME@", rsEmail!FORENAME)
sMessageBody = Replace(sMessageBody, "@SURNAME@", rsEmail!SURNAME)
sMessageBody = Replace(sMessageBody, "@TIMESTAMP@", Format(Now(), "dddd, d mmmm yyyy at h:nn

abdtext = MyDb.QueryDefs("lscd_master").SQL

abdtext = Replace(abdtext, "@start_date", "'" & Me.startdate & "'")

abdtext = Replace(abdtext, "@end_date", "'" & Me.enddate & "'")

abdtext = Replace(abdtext, "@person_code", rsEmail!person_code)

MyDb.QueryDefs("lscd").SQL = abdtext

Set PER = MyDb.OpenRecordset("lscd", dbOpenSnapshot)

Set objworkbook = GetObject(Application.CurrentProject.Path & "\lsc_template.xlsx")

Set objSheet = objworkbook.worksheets("lsc")

If PER.BOF = True And PER.EOF = True Then

MsgBox "No data in recordset"


objSheet.range("A9").copyfromrecordset PER
objworkbook.saveas Application.CurrentProject.Path & "\attachment\learner_status_check_" &

rsEmail!person_code & ".xlsx"

End If

Set objExcel = Nothing
Set objworkbook = Nothing
Set objSheet = Nothing
Set PER = Nothing

With objEmail
If IsNull(rsEmail!she) = False Then
.To = rsEmail!she
.SentOnBehalfOfName = "someone@somewhere.co.uk"
.Attachments.Add Application.CurrentProject.Path & "\attachment\lsc_" &

rsEmail!person_code & ".xlsx"
.Subject = "Lsc monthly spreadsheet"
.Importance = olImportancehigh
.HTMLbody = sMessageBody

End If
End With

Set objEmail = Nothing

End With
MsgBox "All " & rsEmail!Count & " emails sent", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, ""

Set MyDb = Nothing
Set rsEmail = Nothing

Set objOutlook = Nothing
Set objEmail = Nothing

End Sub
Some discrepancy here:
objworkbook.saveas Application.CurrentProject.Path & "\attachment\learner_status_check_" &
rsEmail!person_code & ".xlsx"
.Attachments.Add Application.CurrentProject.Path & "\attachment\lsc_" &
rsEmail!person_code & ".xlsx"

Hope This Helps, PH.
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