Guy's I'd really appreciate some help!
I have Office 2010 and an Excel sheet that I have used as the source in a Word Email merge.
I am trying to avoid the user having to open Word & run the Merge manually by providing some code in Excel to perform the task & create the emails.
The code I have fails with runtime 5174 error. Application or Object defined error at the highlighted point below.
Any help much appreciated!
Sub xxmerge()
Dim WordApp As Object
Dim fPath As String
fPath = "C:\Users\sp\desktop\MMX.docx"
Set WordApp = CreateObject("word.application")
WordApp.Documents.Open (fPath)
WordApp.Visible = True
ActiveDocument.Mailmerge.MainDocumentType = wdEMail
ActiveDocument.Mailmerge.OpenDataSource Name:= _
"C:\Users\SP\desktop\Merge File.xlsx", _
ConfirmConversions:=False, ReadOnly:=False, LinkToSource:=True, _
AddToRecentFiles:=False, PasswordDocument:="", PasswordTemplate:="", _
WritePasswordDocument:="", WritePasswordTemplate:="", Revert:=False, _
Format:=wdOpenFormatAuto, Connection:= _
"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;User ID=Admin;Data Source=C:\Users\sp\desktop\Merge File.xlsx;Mode=Read;Extended Properties=""HDR=YES;IMEX=1;"";Jet OLEDB:System database="""";Jet OLEDB:Registry Path="""";Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=37;Jet OLEDBat" _
, SQLStatement:="SELECT * FROM `Sheet1$`", SQLStatement1:="", SubType:= _
With ActiveDocument.Mailmerge
.Destination = wdSendToemail
.SuppressBlankLines = True
With .DataSource
.FirstRecord = wdDefaultFirstRecord
.LastRecord = wdDefaultLastRecord
End With
.Execute Pause:=False
End With
End Sub
I have Office 2010 and an Excel sheet that I have used as the source in a Word Email merge.
I am trying to avoid the user having to open Word & run the Merge manually by providing some code in Excel to perform the task & create the emails.
The code I have fails with runtime 5174 error. Application or Object defined error at the highlighted point below.
Any help much appreciated!
Sub xxmerge()
Dim WordApp As Object
Dim fPath As String
fPath = "C:\Users\sp\desktop\MMX.docx"
Set WordApp = CreateObject("word.application")
WordApp.Documents.Open (fPath)
WordApp.Visible = True
ActiveDocument.Mailmerge.MainDocumentType = wdEMail
ActiveDocument.Mailmerge.OpenDataSource Name:= _
"C:\Users\SP\desktop\Merge File.xlsx", _
ConfirmConversions:=False, ReadOnly:=False, LinkToSource:=True, _
AddToRecentFiles:=False, PasswordDocument:="", PasswordTemplate:="", _
WritePasswordDocument:="", WritePasswordTemplate:="", Revert:=False, _
Format:=wdOpenFormatAuto, Connection:= _
"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;User ID=Admin;Data Source=C:\Users\sp\desktop\Merge File.xlsx;Mode=Read;Extended Properties=""HDR=YES;IMEX=1;"";Jet OLEDB:System database="""";Jet OLEDB:Registry Path="""";Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=37;Jet OLEDBat" _
, SQLStatement:="SELECT * FROM `Sheet1$`", SQLStatement1:="", SubType:= _
With ActiveDocument.Mailmerge
.Destination = wdSendToemail
.SuppressBlankLines = True
With .DataSource
.FirstRecord = wdDefaultFirstRecord
.LastRecord = wdDefaultLastRecord
End With
.Execute Pause:=False
End With
End Sub