Good afternoon. I have been supplied data which cover 4 types of industry with 3 sizes of company. I have to allocate a numeric 'type' to each record based on this 4 x 3 grid, 1 to 12. However within the data are different way of representing either the type or the size, e.g.
So I decided that a relatively simple approach would be to create 3 x formulae:
Then I wondered if there was any mileage in just doing it in one step so set about trying to build a suitable formula. This didn't seem so bad for the multiple spellings of one type and just one spelling of one size:
But then I got a bit stuck in trying to accomodate the other variation of size. And frankly this strikes me as ridiculous:
I guess if I could also incorporate another "OR" to cover "Large/Large 250+" it might help but would it be worth it?
Many thanks,
"Business and Finance", "Finance and Business"
"Large", "Large 250+"
So I decided that a relatively simple approach would be to create 3 x formulae:
=IF(OR(B2="Business and Finance",B2="Finance and Business",B2="Finance and Business Services",B2="Finance/Business",B2="Finance/business services"),"BF",IF(OR(B2="Transport and Distribution",B2="Transport/Distribution"),"TD",IF(OR(B2="Retail and Wholesale",B2="Retail/wholesale",B2="Wholesale",B2="Wholesale and Retail",B2="Wholesale/Retail"),"WR","MC")))
=IF(OR(C2="Large",C2="Large 250+"),"L",IF(OR(C2="Medium",C2="Medium 50-249"),"M","S"))
Then I wondered if there was any mileage in just doing it in one step so set about trying to build a suitable formula. This didn't seem so bad for the multiple spellings of one type and just one spelling of one size:
=IF(OR(AND(B2="Business and Finance", C2="Large"), AND(B2="Finance and Business", C2="Large"), AND(B2="Finance and Business Services", C2="Large"), AND(B2="Finance/Business", C2="Large"), AND(B2="Finance/business services", C2="Large")),"12","Wrong")
But then I got a bit stuck in trying to accomodate the other variation of size. And frankly this strikes me as ridiculous:
=IF(OR(AND(B2="Business and Finance",C2="Large"),AND(B2="Finance and Business",C2="Large"),AND(B2="Finance and Business Services",C2="Large"),AND(B2="Finance/Business",C2="Large"),AND(B2="Finance/business services",C2="Large")),"12",IF(OR(AND(B2="Business and Finance",C2="Large 250+"),AND(B2="Finance and Business",C2="Large 250+"),AND(B2="Finance and Business Services",C2="Large 250+"),AND(B2="Finance/Business",C2="Large 250+"),AND(B2="Finance/business services",C2="Large 250+")),"12","Wrong"))
I guess if I could also incorporate another "OR" to cover "Large/Large 250+" it might help but would it be worth it?
Many thanks,