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Excel Charts....Please help

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Jun 4, 2003
I'm trying to write code in VB.NET that creates an Excel file and chart but I don't want to use components,dlls etc.
I am based in the BIFF format of Excel files...

Here some of the records that Chart BIFF uses:

CHART: Location and Overall Chart Dimensions (1002h)
The CHART record marks the start of the chart data substream in the workbook BIFF stream. This record defines the location of the chart on the display and its overall size. The x and y fields define the position of the upper-left corner of the bounding rectangle that encompasses the chart. The position of the chart is referenced to the page.
The dx and dy fields define the overall size (the bounding rectangle) of the chart, including title, pointing arrows, axis labels, etc.
The position and size are specified in points (1/72 inch), using a fixed point format (two bytes integer, two bytes fraction).
Record Data
Offset Name Size Contents
4 x 4 x-position of upper-left corner
8 y 4 y-position of upper-left corner
12 dx 4 x-size
16 dy 4 y-size

DATAFORMAT: Series and Data Point Numbers (1006h)
The DATAFORMAT record contains the zero-based numbers of the data point and series. The subordinate records determine the format of the series or point defined by the DATAFORMAT record.
Record Data
Offset Name Size Contents
4 xi 2 Point number (FFFFh means entire series)
6 yi 2 Series index (file relative)
8 iss 2 Series number (as shown in name box -- S1, S2, etc.). This can be different from yi if the series order has been changed.
10 grbit 2 format flags

The grbit field contains the following flags.
Offset Bits Mask Name Contents
0 0 01h fXL4iss 1 = use Microsoft Excel 4.0 colors for automatic formatting
0 7–1 FEh (reserved) Reserved; must be zero
1 7–0 FFh (reserved) Reserved; must be zero

SERIES: Series Definition (1003h)
This record describes the series of the chart, and contains the type of data and number of data fields that make up the series. Series can contain 4000 points in Microsoft Excel version 5.
The sdtX and sdtY fields define the type of data that is contained in this series. At present, the two types of data used in Microsoft Excel chart series are numeric and text (date and sequence information is not used). The cValx and cValy fields contain the number of cell records in the series.
Record Data—BIFF8
Offset Name Size Contents
4 sdtX 2 Type of data in categories
0 = categories contain date information (not used)
1 = categories contain numeric information
2 = categories contain sequence information (not used)
3 = categories contain text information
8 sdtY 2 Type of data in values
0 = values contain date information (not used)
1 = values contain numeric information
2 = values contain sequence information (not used)
3 = values contain text information
10 cValx 2 Count of categories
12 cValy 2 Count of values
14 sdtBSize 2 Type of data in Bubble size series:
0 = dates
1 = numeric
2 = sequence
3 = text
16 cValBSize 2 Count of Bubble series values

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