If I use the code below to draw an Excel chart, that works fine. The data in column A is considered to be the X coordinates, the data in column B the Y coordinates and the line is drawn correctly.
I would like to do the same thing with series, taking the data from a List<double> instead of columns. In this case I did not find a proper way to assign the X coordinates.
Whatever I do, no matter if I use the XValues property or not, the labels on the X axis are completely ruined. The MaximumScale, MinimumScale and MajorUnit properties of XAxis seem to be ignored.
Can someone help?
If I use the code below to draw an Excel chart, that works fine. The data in column A is considered to be the X coordinates, the data in column B the Y coordinates and the line is drawn correctly.
Excel.ChartObjects myCharts = (Excel.ChartObjects)ws.ChartObjects(System.Type.Missing);
Excel.ChartObject myChart = myCharts.Add(100, 100, 500, 500);
myChart.Chart.ChartType = XlChartType.xlXYScatter;
Excel.Range ExRng = ws.get_Range("A1", "B5");
myChart.Chart.SetSourceData(ExRng, Excel.XlRowCol.xlColumns);
Excel.Axis XAxis = (Excel.Axis)myChart.Chart.Axes(Excel.XlAxisType.xlCategory, Excel.XlAxisGroup.xlPrimary);
XAxis.MaximumScale = 100;
XAxis.MinimumScale = 0;
XAxis.MajorUnit = 10;
I would like to do the same thing with series, taking the data from a List<double> instead of columns. In this case I did not find a proper way to assign the X coordinates.
Whatever I do, no matter if I use the XValues property or not, the labels on the X axis are completely ruined. The MaximumScale, MinimumScale and MajorUnit properties of XAxis seem to be ignored.
List<double> YY = new List<double>{2, 5, 6, 4, 8};
List<double> XX = new List<double> { 1, 7, 8, 9, 11 };
Excel.ChartObjects myCharts = (Excel.ChartObjects)ws.ChartObjects(System.Type.Missing);
Excel.ChartObject myChart = myCharts.Add(100, 100, 500, 500);
myChart.Chart.ChartWizard(ws.get_Range("A1", "A1"),
System.Type.Missing, System.Type.Missing, System.Type.Missing, System.Type.Missing,
System.Type.Missing, System.Type.Missing, "", "", "", "");
myChart.Chart.ChartType = XlChartType.xlXYScatter;
Excel.Axis XAxis = (Excel.Axis)myChart.Chart.Axes(Excel.XlAxisType.xlCategory, Excel.XlAxisGroup.xlPrimary);
XAxis.MaximumScale = 100;
XAxis.MinimumScale = 0;
XAxis.MajorUnit = 10;
Excel.SeriesCollection seriesCollection = (Excel.SeriesCollection)myChart.Chart.SeriesCollection(System.Type.Missing);
Excel.Series s1 = seriesCollection.NewSeries();
s1.Values = YY.ToArray();
s1.XValues = XX.ToArray();
s1.ChartType = Excel.XlChartType.xlLineMarkers;
s1.MarkerStyle = Excel.XlMarkerStyle.xlMarkerStyleCircle;
Can someone help?