Do anyone know how to (within excel) create a text file
and put the values of the excel rows into it?
Reason is, I have an excel spreadsheet which I used to
save as a csv - but as you all probably already know -
csv's have a tendency to convert long numbers into
scientific numbers -- and b/c a db job reads these
csv's into a db table, such #'s will create errors in the db.
so, what i want to do instead of relying on an excel
to csv conversion, is have a command button on the
excel spreadsheet which when clicked will stick commas
b/w each cell value and parse the data out to a .txt
I already know how to get the cell data and place the
commas b/w them but don't know how to:
1) create a text file within excel vba
2) output/write the cell data to the file
3) save and close the file
-- one more thing, is it possible to have it so that
after the text file is created it gets emailed to a
specified (hard-coded) address?
and put the values of the excel rows into it?
Reason is, I have an excel spreadsheet which I used to
save as a csv - but as you all probably already know -
csv's have a tendency to convert long numbers into
scientific numbers -- and b/c a db job reads these
csv's into a db table, such #'s will create errors in the db.
so, what i want to do instead of relying on an excel
to csv conversion, is have a command button on the
excel spreadsheet which when clicked will stick commas
b/w each cell value and parse the data out to a .txt
I already know how to get the cell data and place the
commas b/w them but don't know how to:
1) create a text file within excel vba
2) output/write the cell data to the file
3) save and close the file
-- one more thing, is it possible to have it so that
after the text file is created it gets emailed to a
specified (hard-coded) address?