Good afternoon, I'm just having an issue with SUMPRODUCT. I have various cells with SUMPRODUCT in them. They refer to another worksheet but now we've changed our data source it's no longer a question of refreshing the data for that worksheet but appending for the next week's data. Now the SUMPRODUCT refuses to pick up the relevant data.
I've tried playing around with the formatting - to no avail. I thought I'd try a simple SUMIF on a different worksheet
Interestingly(?) I replaced (Ctrl + H) a 'working' value in Column F, which returned nothing and when I replaced it back again I got 0 this time. VERY frustrating. Any suggestions?
Many thanks,
I've tried playing around with the formatting - to no avail. I thought I'd try a simple SUMIF on a different worksheet
=SUMIF(F:F,'Weekly Activity Summary'!I5,A:A) returns 738
=SUMPRODUCT(--(F2:F64000='Weekly Activity Summary'!I5),--(A2:A64000)) = 0
Interestingly(?) I replaced (Ctrl + H) a 'working' value in Column F, which returned nothing and when I replaced it back again I got 0 this time. VERY frustrating. Any suggestions?
Many thanks,